She Spins Me Right ‘Round: Mrs. Dalloway #CCSpin 18

Mrs Dalloway #CCSpin 18
I love the light in this photograph on the edition I read (Harcourt, 1981).

Number 9 was chosen for the latest Classics Club Spin Challenge which meant I was to read Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. A miracle happened. I actually read it, and weeks before the August 31st deadline to boot!

The only other novel that I’ve read by Woolf is Orlando, which I have fond memories of reading back in the 1990s. I’ve also read her nonfiction classic, A Room of One’s Own, several times for writing projects and personal enjoyment.

Where to begin writing about Mrs. Dalloway

I’ll just jump in and say I admire Woolf’s writing technique and the deep feelings this novel evoked in me. Some of the scenes and sentences took my breath away. However, I didn’t particularly enjoy the overall reading experience. I prefer a straightforward narrative. A story that builds or unfolds with each turn of the page.

Mrs. Dalloway is not that. It is a brilliant novel and I can see why some people consider this a writer’s novel. There is much to learn here about technique.

For readers who actually finish this novel (I’ve heard from several who haven’t been able to get into it), I think this is one of those books people are happy to have read. I already sense that it is one of those books for which appreciation deepens over time, with subsequent readings, and, of course, if studied in class with a good teacher. I doubt I’ll ever pick up this novel again, but one never knows. I’m old enough to know never say never, especially when it comes to books.

This first reading was just a breeze-through to get the gist of it. I wanted its essence to just wash over me without getting stuck in the weeds (or shoreline vegetation, as the imagery may warrant). That just isn’t possible with this novel. I was sucked into the characters’ lives and, at the same time, was hyper-aware of each word. There were times I couldn’t help myself and underlined beautiful sentences or wrote notes in the margins, especially relating to symbolism connecting to previous passages. (Talk about setting one’s self up for a future read!)

In a nutshell, the story is about Clarissa Dalloway preparing for a party she’s hosting later that day. The novel is set during that one day, but easily moves back and forth across decades via Clarissa’s and other character’s thoughts, and with the help of an omniscient narrator. So many memories and current struggles are imbedded in this slim novel. My head was spinning and not necessarily in a good way. It is exhausting.

The transitions from character to character are brilliant. As a reader you move from one mind into another. For some of these transitions, if I wasn’t paying close enough attention, I’d have to stop and read back a few lines or even paragraphs to see whose mind I was in now. This novel does not lend itself to lazy reading.

One of the themes I enjoyed following is that of being middle-aged and the associated joys and struggles. Clarissa has just entered her 52nd year and another major character, Peter Walsh, is 53. Both of these characters are somewhat depressed and reeling from the effects of World War I and the massive societal changes it has triggered. The novel was published in 1925 as Woolf herself was grappling with these changes. In addition to these larger forces, there are the circumstances of each character’s own life, particularly in regards to their decisions and relationships. Most of the statements about growing older are mixed-up with these specific circumstances and should be understood within their context.

That said, I related to Clarissa when she thinks, “She felt very young; at the same time unspeakably aged. She sliced like a knife through everything; at the same time was outside, looking on” (8).

I’m currently 52 and most of the time I feel ageless, but there are times when I feel very young. In my mind, I have felt younger and more free with each passing year. On the other hand, there’s no denying that my body feels different. It takes a bit longer to recover from strain and there are associated aches and pains where there didn’t used to be any. And there’s nothing like the shocking reminder of one’s age such as when you’re enjoying a favorite song on the radio only to have the DJ come on and say that it was #1 forty years ago.

Clarissa’s comment about slicing through everything like a knife — I feel like that can be interpreted in a variety of ways. In my own life, there’s the fact that while I do still get nervous about some things, it is more of an excited nervous than a worried nervous, and I mainly feel an ease about walking through situations. I know I’ll be just fine going to a job interview or dinner party with new people or some other social situation. As Peter Walsh reflects, “The compensation of growing old . . . was simply this; that the passions remain as strong as ever, but one has gained–at last!–the power which adds the supreme flavour to existence,–the power of taking hold of experience, of turning it round, slowly, in the light” (79). I’ve found this to be true, both before an experience and after, when reflecting on recent or distant events.

But I don’t think such confidence and comfort are the only aspects of the knife that Clarissa is referring to. I think her imagery of “a knife slicing through” is also turning towards danger and depression. There’s the violent image of a knife in connection with murder and suicide, but I think she’s implying more that a knife cuts through its task with ease, with no feeling. It does its job with no thought or joy, like a person merely going through the motions. It does what its supposed to do as if on autopilot (or being piloted by someone else); The dullness of living life by rote. And I know feeling like you’re outside of life looking in is a part of the hell of depression.

That’s just my take on two sentences. If you’ve read this novel, you know how much there is to think about. It made my head spin!

I finished the novel two weeks ago and I’m still thinking about some of the lines that grabbed me. Its a brilliant novel and I’m so happy to have finally read it. Would I have picked up Mrs. Dalloway without the challenge of The Classics Club? Maybe, but maybe not. It would have continued to jump out at me at the bookstore or from a list of books to read ‘before you die’ just like is has for years, but thanks to The Classics Club this is one more great novel that is now lovingly lodged in my heart and mind.


  1. I remember reading and loving The Hours some time back. Then someone told me that The Hours was a book that was inspired by Mrs. Dalloway. I read Mrs. Dalloway and said, “Oh, yes. Mrs. Dalloway.”

    • I think I first tried reading Mrs. Dalloway after reading/watching The Hours and just couldn’t get into it. Glad I finally did all these years later. Now I want to watch The Hours again.

      • This was my experience too, except I haven’t gone back. But I did decide to read Woolf in chronological order instead in the hope that I would grow into her style as she did herself.

        I’ve read her first book The Voyage Out and keep putting book 2 on a spin…:-)

  2. You captured really well the experience I had of reading this book – it needs close attention because the shifts in perspective are so subtle. Sometimes I wasn’t even sure whether I understood correctly what I had read and had to shuffle back a few pages or so to pick up the threads.

    • Good to know I wasn’t alone in this! There were a few times I just kept plowing ahead, hoping I’d get it (and being secretly being relieved that I didn’t have to write an essay for credit about the novel or anything like that).

      • I did enjoy it even when sometimes I wasn’t clear what I was reading. I tried it several years ago and couldn’t get further than the first few pages but this time it was much much better

  3. Wow, great, in-depth review, Chris. I’ve never read any Virginia Woolf, though she is on my “must-read” list! I’ve heard of this novel but didn’t realize that the movie The Hours was based on it.

    I appreciated your insights and your thoughts on aging, too, since we are about the same age!


    Book By Book

    • It’s a good time in our lives to read this one. I have a copy of To the Lighthouse and might try that one next year.

  4. No, this is not a book that lends itself to lazy reading. It is one of the slowest-reading short books I can recall having made my way through. I also put it on my Classics Club list and that gave me the push to finally read it a couple of years ago – and I was glad I did! At first it was hard for me to get into the slow pace, being more used to plot-driven novels, but once I began to slow down and appreciate the elaborate wordcraft I really enjoyed it.

    • The only other short book I can recall being such a slow read was Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea. Granted, I was in high school and it was slow for other reasons but it’s a novel I’d like to re-read now that I might appreciate it more.

  5. I think Woolf is difficult to get into, especially for people who like things to get going right away. I remember reading To the Lighthouse in college and thinking “What?” However, I read Mrs. Dalloway a few years ago and had finally learned to just slow down and enjoy her writing and the story she was telling.

    • I have a copy of To the Lighthouse so that’ll be the next Woolf I read. Even with slowing down and “giving myself” to the novel, I found it challenging to keep track of what was going on due to her brilliant and seamless shifts. I imagine it would be an amazing re-read.

  6. I’ve been afraid to try this one but your review makes me think that it’s the right novel at the right time for me.

    • It might be! It isn’t often I come across a novel with middle-aged characters thinking about their age. I imagine there’s a list out there somewhere….

  7. You’re review is excellent. I read this as my first Woolf a few years ago and it was not easy at times. I needed complete quiet and a fresh mind to concentrate enough to try to follow what was happening, when and with who. I gave my copy away that I picked up second hand but remember some passages being beautiful.

    I’ve been persuaded by a reading buddy to try To the Lighthouse as it was said this book was one many enjoy and is probably an easier read. I’m hoping to read it in a few months.

    Glad the CC spin motivated you to read this one!

  8. Thank you! To the Lighthouse will be my next Woolf as I own a copy. I’m happy to hear it’s an easier read. Not that I don’t enjoy a good literary challenge. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!

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